Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bluetooth Keepalive Apk v1.19 download

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Bluetooth Keepalive v1.19 apk download
Bluetooth Keepalive v1.19
Requirements: mechanical man two.3+
Overview: you've got a drag with the Bluetooth association to your hands-free? each jiffy it's disconnecting and re-establishing? this might be a drag with the standby mode of your mechanical man. specifically for this drawback "Bluetooth Keepalive" (in short "BTKA") will assist you.

No additional dropouts once Android™ falls "asleep".
You have a drag with the Bluetooth association to your hands-free? each jiffy it's disconnecting and re-establishing? this might be a drag with the standby mode of your mechanical man. specifically for this drawback "Bluetooth Keepalive" (in short "BTKA") will assist you. BTKA prevents standby mode as long as there's a lively Bluetooth association. Thus, the Bluetooth association remains for good active and can not be interrupted.
[Galaxy S3 users please note: BTKA might not facilitate - there area unit alternative errors in some S3. Cancel the sale, if it doesn't work]
[BMW: Some original BMW handsfree have errors with all androids - BTKA will not assist you then]
Before you purchase please check, if BTKA will extremely assist you - as an example your association are going to be disconnected on a daily basis inside the primary five minutes, then check by follwing this procedure: set out the Bluetooth reference to your hands-free. Use the phone a minimum of five minutes - as an example scroll back and forth through the contact list or by beginning navigation (your operation conjointly prevents the standy-by mode). If during this case the Bluetooth association isn't interrupted BTKA will assist you. BTKA doesn't would like "root" - solely the rights requested by the Market.
After installation begin BTKA manually. It registers with Android™ and can from currently on begin mechanically whenever you restart your Android™. once beginning the app there's a "Configuration" button (visible for two seconds), therewith you'll modification the configuration settings for notifications and also the starting-behaviour of BTKA. The "normal user" doesn't have to be compelled to reconfigure.

Affected area unit e.g.: Audi/VW/BMW/Volvo/Subaru/Toyota original hands-free instrumentation. SGS/SGS2/SGS3 with original (updated) ICS computer memory or CM7/CM9, SonyEricsson Ray, Lenovo A1 et al.
BTKA cannot assist you if: the phone book doesn't synchronize / Bluetooth disconnected due to alternative package errors / there's radio interference.

Warning - Technical details: The Bluetooth disconnect takes place once the Android™ goes into deep sleep standy by mode. The hands-free will not communicate with the Android™ and disconnects. Some hands-free instrumentation synchronizes the phone book for good so prevents that Android™ enters sleep mode. alternative hands-free instrumentation synchronizes the phone book just the once and once Android™ assumes that it will move to sleep - it happens. The combos hands-free/Android™ that area unit affected area unit varied and conjointly rely on the software-version put in. E.g. associate Android™ update by the manufacturer will induce or fix the matter. BTKA are going to be notified by Android™, once a Bluetooth association is being established, whereas any Bluetooth association is active BTKA holds a "wake-lock", that prevents the deep-sleep standby. BTKA are going to be listed as a method that "drains" battery, this can be caused by the wake-lock it holds. If you've got a operating Bluetooth-stack and a hands-free that synchronizes for good the "Bluetooth OBEX Service" and also the "Android™ OS" area unit listed as "drainers". thus within the finish the result is that the same. On my SGS2 victimization BTKA for one hour with a lively Bluetooth association drains the battery by but 8 May 1945 (with 3G, WiFi, GPS, and synchronisation conjointly activated).

In case of a failure please see a people section on this site: http://floodping.org/btka/support_en.php
The option "Screen on whereas in WakeLock" ought to solely be activated, once extremely necessary, as a result of it drains the battery. e.g. Galaxy S3 users could do this possibility if otherwise BTKA will not work.
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Free Bluetooth Keepalive v1.19 apk



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