Saturday, November 3, 2012

Metaballs HD Live Wallpaper apk v3.7.2 donwload

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Metaballs HD Live Wallpaper apk v3.7.2 Donwload
Metaballs HD Live Wallpaper v3.7.2
Requirements: mechanical man two.1 and up, Lucky Patcher (needs root)
Overview: Mysterious metaballs arrived from associate degree unknown a part of the universe to your mechanical man device! Liquid shading and blur effects they shown ar simply amazing! therefore cute that you simply can’t stop look them.

Fully customizable HD quality live wallpaper with a group of predefined themes and lots of customization choices.
♥ Space. Native balls planet from the orbital read.
♥ Ghosts. nearly invisible ghosts on your screen! ar you scared?
♥ very little Baby. Cute very little baby ahead of the sun and wild blue yonder. If you have got somewhat kid, simply amendment the image to your child’s from your gallery!
♥ Flowers. very little flower-balls grow quick then suddenly dissapear. terribly attractive!
♥ Burning area. Somewhere within the diabolic world meteors live. Metaballs ar burning dancing!
♥ Melons within the sky. Balls changed into melons and flight within the sky. Summer and fruits, terribly fresh!
♥ Hypnotoad. Metaballs represents the globe of Futurama! Hypnotoad comes back!!!
♥ Your own theme. customise background and balls pictures, balls count, speed, color and mechanical phenomenon, got wind of blur effect’s color, saturation, speed, opacity and be pleasantly shocked by the result as your metaballs will do everything!
Requires OpenGL einsteinium two.0 support. Not suggested for low-end devices.
We provide full access to all or any Metaballs HD themes and customization choices in period for twenty-four hours. once period expires you'll not customise Metaballs HD and use a number of predefined themes.
To remove trial restrictions please purchase Metaballs HD LWP Key from the mechanical man Market.
Sorry for that, we'd like support to continue making top quality apps for mechanical man devices. As way as this app is totally free and features a period we tend to take into account this as your thanks for our nice job.
What’s during this version :
Fixed SGS and LG problems
Other minor bugfixes
This app has no advertisements

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