Saturday, February 16, 2013

RadiON v3.0.5 Build 40 (Update) Apk full App

We give you more information and instructions are also one of the latest to android application that we can have. Download Apk Android applications are sought people from different countries in the world. Hopefully this info can be a useful guidance and make you happy. RadiON v3.0.5 Build 40 (Update)RadiON v3.0.5 Build 40 (Update)
Requirements: 2.2+
Overview: ? Listen to 50,000 stations from around the world!

 English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Türk, ????, ????, ???, ???

 1 App in Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Belgium, France, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania and Taiwan
2 App in France, Germany, Italy, Czech, Belgium and Uganda
5 App in Spain, Poland, Austria, Greece, Brazil, Russia, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Netherlands, St. Lucia and Trinidad Tobago
1 Music App in 54 countries

 Recommended by
Gizmodo :
Appsafari Rating 4.5/5 :


 ? Radio
Listen to 50,000 radios stations from around the world
Antique-style theme provided
Search for stations by keyword
Display song information (title/singer)
Control brightness / Volume
Listed stations by country
Listed stations by Top 100
Sleep Timer Supported

 ? Alarm
Can set the 'Radio Channel' alarm sounds
Shake to turn off the alarm
Support for multiple alarms
Fully configurable snooze time interval
Alarm sound with vibration
Set "Fade In/Fade Out" time
Set number of "Shakes"

 What's in this version:
- Nexus 4 Resolution (1280x768) support
- Bug Fixed and Enhanced General Stability
Download Instructions:


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