Sunday, February 17, 2013

WiFi Mouse Pro v1.3.2 Apk full App

We give you more information and instructions are also one of the latest to android application that we can have. Download Apk Android applications are sought people from different countries in the world. Hopefully this info can be a useful guidance and make you happy. WiFi Mouse Pro v1.3.2WiFi Mouse Pro v1.3.2
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Transform your phone into remote mouse and keyboard, more important it has remote voice input and gesture control functions.

 WiFi Mouse supports speech-to-text as well as multi-finger trackpad gestures. WiFi Mouse enables you to control your PC, MAC or HTPC effortlessly through a local network connection.
* Mouse curser movement
* left and right click support
* Middle mouse button scroll
* Remote keyboard input
* Speech-to-text input for all languages
* Mouse & keyboard full screen
* Auto-connect on application startup
* Compatible with XP/Windows Vista/ Windows 7 / Mac OSX
* Tap-to-click
* Two finger tap for right click
* Two finger scroll
* Pinch to zoom
* Three finger drag or highlight
* Four finger swipe down to show desktop
* Four finger swipe up to maximise current window
* Four finger swipe sideways to change current window focus
* Left handed mouse support (swap left and right mouse click)

 What's in this version:
* Add remote media player controller.
* Add remote explorer controller.
* Beautify UI.
* Need install mouse server V1.3.0.0
Download Instructions:

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